Sunday, August 8, 2010

Vampire Scavenger Hunt: Team Bats (Part 1)

We all gathered in the lobby so Kwanjagnim could announce what fun filled adventure we were going to have on our way to the cabin for the epic yearly retreat!
"Okay! Listen up! If you don't listen, then you will be buried under the studio!" Kwanjagnim yelled over the crowd.
A chorus of nervous "Yes Ma'am"'s followed.
"We are going to having a vampire themed scavenger hunt! Apparently vampires are popular with you people right now..."
Man Cub and I gave each other skeptical looks. Others giggled in a 'yeah right' sort of way, while some just said, "uuuhhh..."
"Anyway," Kwanjagnim continued, "Here are the rules! If you break the rules, you will be buried under the studio!"
"Thats what happened to Jon..." Man Cub said in an ominous tone.
"You must have documented photographic evidence of every task you complete. You have 2 hours to complete as many tasks as possible. If you are late, you lose half your points. We are all meeting in Midway at a resort that will be on a map in your packet. You have a captain. You must always respect your captain! If you don't respect your captain, you have to either get 16 ounces of whipped cream in your hair, do 30 pushups over a pie, or wear a sign that says 'oops, I disrespected my captain. I won't do that again! I promise!' for the rest of the game!"
This was greeted by much of laughter.
Kwanjagnim smiled and went on. "The captain will decide who has what position. The positions are; you have one Driver, a captain's assistant, a navigator, a photographer and a safety manager. The safety manager is supposed to keep you from breaking the law or getting yourself hurt. You will not break the law in this game! This includes speeding. If you get a speeding ticket, you are disqualified. If you get arrested then you will be buried under the studio, AFTER you get out of prison!"
More laughter.
"The navigator makes sure you get there on time, and that you actually GET there! The driver, obviously drives. The captain's assistant helps the captain out with anything, and the photographer gets photographic evidence that you completed your task. Any questions?"
"No ma'am!"
"Okay, then without further ado, I will announce your teams. When I announce your teams I will give you an envelope. Only the captain is to open the envelope when I say so! Our first team is team Bats. This team will include Kristi, Water Fetcher, Treasure, Bandit, Jay-spoon, and Emma. Now, you all go onto the mat and figure out positions."
I was excited as I separated from the rest of the group. This sounded like a domination team! And just a fun group of people to spend the next two hours with. We gathered in a circle on the mat to decide who would do what.
"So obviously I'm the driver." Christy said (being the only one with a car), walking in with a bunch of green mardi gras necklaces with labels on them. She put the necklace labeled 'Driver' around her own neck. "Now, who should the safety manager be?" She asked looking at the team. We too looked around.
"I nominate Emma." I said. "She seems least likely to do something stupid."
"Yeah, Emma!" Jay-spoon agreed.
Treasure nodded in his characteristic way.
"Yeah, Emma, you are the most safe out of us." Water Fetcher agreed.
Christy place the 'safety manager' label around Emma's neck. "Water Fetcher, do you want to be the photographer? You have your own camera." Christy pointed out.
"Sure, I'll be the photographer!" Water Fetcher said, receiving her necklace.
"Okay... navigator." Christy said as all eyes fell on me.
"Oh no!" I said. "I don't know how to get there or how to use a map!"
"No! You have to be! Treasure and Jay-spoon don't know the way there! And you're the next oldest!" Christy reasoned.
"Okay, but I apologize in advanced for when we get lost..." I said accepting my own necklace.
"That leaves Treasure and Jay-spoon!" Christy said. "I vote Treasure captain and Jay-spoon assistant captain!" She then handed them their necklaces.
"Hey! How come Treasure's is gold!?" Jay-spoon asked.
"Because he's the Captain, and special!" I said.
Treasure straightened up and put his hands on his hips in a 'self-important' stance.
"Well, lets go outside and prepare to dominate!" Linnea said, as Trevor and I practiced awesome team poses.
As we went outside we passed Man Cub's team and HAD to give them dirty looks and trash talk!
"Hi sir," I said. "I knew I should've kept your keys." (I had stolen his keys earlier and had given them back about 5 minutes before now).
"I knew I should've slashed your tires." he shot back.
Soon, all the teams were outside. Kwanjagnim then came out last. "Captains, get ready to open your envelopes!" She announced. I prepared to knock Zombie's out of his hands, but he thought it was just a high-five. Fail.
"You can complete your tasks in any order, if you just go down the list you will probably lose!" She said. You have until 7 o' clock! Not a minute more! Ready, GO!!!"
Team Bats rushed into Christy's car.
"OH CAPTAIN MY CAPTAIN!!!" Water Fetcher yelled out the door, since Treasure was the only one not in the car.
"Hey! Thats what stage crew used to call me." I said, as Treasure vaulted into the car, ripping the envelope open.
He read the first task, "Go to the movie theater and find a poster of the scariest movie playing and pose scarily next to it."
"There aren't really any scary movies playing right now..." I said.
"That right!" Treasure said pointing at me. "We have a movie theater person!"
"What else is there? Water Fetcher asked, "Maybe we can do other things at the same time." she took the list from Treasure.
"Is there some place where we can get a bunch of stuff done at the same time?" I asked.
"What if we went to the mall?" Water Fetcher suggested. "We could get tons of stuff done there!"
"Okay, lets head out and keep reading." Christy said backing out. "I want to see if I can beat Tio out of here."
We drove down the road as Water Fetcher continued reading. "We need to find a cosmetic dentistry office..."
"DENTIST OFFICE!!!" I yelled pointing out the window.
"Is it cosmetic though?" Christy asked.
"General and COSMETIC!!!" Treasure yelled, right as we passed it.
"Oh... well, we'll find another one." Christy said, not wanting to turn around in traffic. " Is there some stuff we can't get done at the mall? Why don't we stop at Smiths right there?" She asked. "Its sure to have lots of stuff."
"Yeah." Water Fetcher said. "Like this one... Find a bloody steak, garlic, red food coloring, and a vampire related greeting card."
"Okay!" Said captain Treasure, "I'll go get the bloody steak, Bandit, you get the red food coloring, and Water Fetcher, you get the garlic. The rest of you go find the greeting card."
"Aye captain!" I said, saluting.
As soon as Christy parked we all ran for the store. Treasure, Water Fetcher, and I all found our stuff with relative ease, but as we all met at the front of the store, there were still 3 missing.
"Okay, well lets do another task while we go look for them!" Water Fetcher decided. "Bandit, what can we do?"
I now had the list of tasks. "Find someone with honey-colored eyes..."
"DOES ANYONE HAVE HONEY-COLORED EYES??" Water Fetcher yelled across the store, making Treasure and I jump. Nobody replied, obviously. But as we walked toward the greeting card section, Water Fetcher kept shouting that.
"There aren't any vampire related greeting cards!" Jay-spoon said as we reached them, pointing at the row of cards. "We've looked a few times!" Jay-spoon added as Treasure started checking their work.
"Maybe we can do something else." I said, handing the list back to Water Fetcher. "Look, books! Didn't it say something about finding a copy of Twilight?"
"Yeah! It has to be over there!" Christy said, heading over to the books.
We ended up finding a copy of Twilight: The Graphic Novel. Water Fetcher readied her camera.
"Bandit, look like your reading it to a bunch of kids, Jay-spoon look like you're extremely interested." We did so and Water Fetcher took the picture.
"I say we don't waste anymore time here and go somewhere else. There's a Walmart down the street. It will probably have more stuff." I suggested.
"Well, we're already here..." Christy said slowly.
"CAPTAIN!" I shouted, turning toward Treasure.
"Lets leave." Treasure decided. "This store doesn't seem to have exactly what we need. It didn't have the greeting everyone put your stuff back and we will meet back at the car!"

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