Thursday, August 26, 2010

Vampire Scavenger Hunt: Freaking Perfectionist (Part 2)

We got to Walmart and started out with our same game plan that we had for the last store. Captain instructed us to meet back in isle 1.

I ran to get the food coloring and found Treasure with his bloody steak. While we were waiting I saw a nail salon. "Treasure! The list said that we had to go convince a nail technician to paint one of someone's nail half black and half red!"

"Okay, go talk to them and see if someone will. Give me your food coloring." I handed it over and ran to the nail salon.

I went up to the nail technician and explained my situation to him. He agreed, after he was done doing someone else's nails. I thanked him and said I'd be right back. I ran back to Treasure, "He'll do it!" I told him.

"Well, go get it done right now!"

"I have to wait for Water Fetcher so she can take pictures." I reminded him.

It was then that Water Fetcher showed up. "Water Fetcher! I convinced the nail tech to paint one of my nails! You need to come take pictures!"

"Okay, lets go!" She said putting her garlic in Treasure's outstretched hand.

We both ran back to the salon. The man was still doing someone else's nails, so we had to wait. After waiting for a while, the lady who was having her nails done said, "Isn't the point of a scavenger hunt to get done fast? You can do hers after you're done with this nail." she said, smiling at us.

"Thanks!" We said.

I went over to the polish colors to pick out the black and red polish, as the nail tech had instructed me. I then sat at the chair and held out one of my hands. The nail guy took it and started filing it. He then started very sloooooowly painting the nail half black.

"It doesn't have to look good." I said. "It just has to be half black, half red."

He looked at me, then continued his slow work.

Water Fetcher snapped a few pictures. The nail guy then reached for my other hand. "Oh, it only has to be one nail." I told him.

Again he looked at me, then took the other hand and started slowly filing that too.

Water Fetcher looked at him, looked at me, then said, "I'm going to go find a Twilight related news article." and left.

Treasure and Jay-Spoon showed up before long. "We got all the stuff!" Treasure announced. "I even found a kinda vampire looking card... I hope it counts as a greeting card." It looked like a label type thing, but who cares?

"Okay, Water Fetcher is looking for a news article." I informed them as the nail tech took my first hand back and started slowly on the red. "Go get her to take your picture!"

They both set off to look for her, while I sat impatiently in the salon chair. The three of them returned about five minutes later.

"We found some people to scare!" Jay-Spoon said excitedly. "We were supposed to find 3 people and pose like vampires while they acted scared!"

"Awesome!" I said, thinking I was almost done. The guy got up and walked away, and I put my two nails in front of the fan. He then returned with a shiny polish, took my hand and started slowly coating my nail in it.

I turned to my team with a desperate look on my face and said, "Go find something else to do!"

"Okay, we'll meet you back here!" Treasure said, as the all ran off into the store.

When finally the nail guy was done, he had me stick my hands in front of a fan. I sat there for a while, then decided that I was on too tight of a timetable, got up, and started to walk away.

"Now be careful!" The nail tech warned.

"I will! Thanks!" I said, exiting the salon and seeking out my friends.

I found them and we finished a few more tasks including: Spelling BAT on the ground with ourselves, finding an exact outfit we were told to, finding someone with honey colored eyes, posing artistically with 5 different kinds of forks, finding a vampire doll and posing like we'd won the lottery with it, and a few others.

We then decided to leave the store and head for midway, and get more done once closer to the cabin. We got to the parking lot and Water Fetcher said, "We need to find a license plate with VB on them, for Vampire Bat."

"Okay, everyone find a row of cars, and look as we go back to our car!" Treasure instructed.

We couldn't find any. I ended up with Treasure in the back of the parking lot. "Ugh, where's the car?" He asked. "NAVIGATOR!!!" He shouted, pointing at me.

"Captain, the car is located somewhere in the outer recesses of this parking lot!" I responded.

Treasure laughed, then I saw the car driving toward us. "There captain! Beam me up Scottie!"

Part 3: My Cemetery Senses are Tingling COMING

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