Tuesday, February 9, 2010

SWAT Sleepover, Part 2

It is tradition after the SWAT spook alley to have a team sleepover at the studio. Sadly, we have a lot of younger members who are not allowed to stay over, so we ended up with a small group consisting of Me, Man Cub, Jay-spoon, Tree, Treasure, Brick King, and Tio. We all claimed Judo mats as our beds. Unfortunately for Jay-spoon, he was the smallest one there, so he didn’t get a judo mat. We mad a bed for him out of kicking pads. Somehow, Tio got stuck cleaning the window of the kid’s room with Brick King. Of course we had to bother them!

They were on the inside of the cleaning room, so we went to the outside and started annoying. “Hey Tio!” called Tree, tapping on the glass. Tio looked as Tree made a handprint on the outside of his freshly cleaned window.

“Stop it!” he yelled as Jay-spoon started poking the window leaving fingerprints.

Tio and Brick King came back out and re-washed the outside of the window. Tio looked frustrated, but Brick King looked entertained. They both went back inside to finish the inside of the window. We all quickly recongrogated at the window. Treasure pretended to lick it, as I just slowly moved my finger toward it while staring at Tio and Brick King. “Guys! Knock it off!” Tio shouted again.

“Yeah, come on guys.” Man Cub said, “Your not supposed to go like this.” as he put a big handprint on the window.

“MAN CUB!!!” Tio said in shock as the rest of us laughed at the unexpectedness of the situation. Brick King and Tio finished the inside, then came out to re-re-do the outside. As they were cleaning the outside Tree went on the inside. He comically smiled and waved at them. “TREE!!!!” Tio exclaimed in a malicious tone. “So help me, I will KILL you!!”

Tree just smiled and started moving his had toward the window.

“Okay Tree, that’s enough.” Man Cub finally decided with a smile.

After the window was finally clean, Man Cub pronounced, “Okay, we are going to watch Kung Fu Panda(a studio favorite), but first! You need to show me that you fully appreciate this song!” As he said this he pushed play on the studio’s stereo system, which started playing the cheesiest song I have ever heard called, “The Unicorn”. We all just kinda sat there looking confused until Man Cub pushed pause. “You call that appreciation!?” he said with mock anger. “We will not do anything else until you can show proper respect for this song!” We all jumped into action. Treasure was running around with a clown wig, Tree made himself a unicorn horn (and a fu man chu) out of duct tape and was crawling around with it. Tio was breakdancing, Jay-spoon was doing a rendition of the Numa Numa dance, and Brick King was just kinda running around flailing his arms. “That’s more like it!” Man Cub said happily with his arms outstretched.

We set up the projector and started watching Kung Fu Panda. “I can do that” I said about one of the impossible moves in the movie.

“So can I.” Said Tree. “I do that every day.”

“Yeah right.” Brick King laughed. “If you two could reenact this movie completely, I’ll give you both whatever you want.”

Tree and I looked at each other and smiled. “Start saving for an Astin Martin DBS.” I said.

“Make that two!” said Tree.

At one in the morning, some of the boys decided that they were hungry. The studio was right next to a 24 hour Macy’s, so Tree, Brick King, and Tio walked over with our pooled money to get us food. They returned with a few packs of cookies, about 20 giant pixie sticks, reeses, giant jaw breakers, and…. Monster energy drinks. “You are NOT drinking those tonight!” Man Cub said.

“Awww… come on!” Tree and Brick King pleaded.

“No! We actually have to sleep tonight!” This statement was proceeded by a bunch of ‘are you serious’ looks. Treasure fell asleep almost instantly.

“That kid is waaay to rigid for a 13 year old.” Tio said looking down at him.

“Hey Tree! I bet I can eat my giant jaw breaker faster than you!” Brick King challenged.

“You're on!” Tree said.

“CAFFEEEEEEEEIN!” Jay-spoon shouted, getting dangerously close to the monsters.

“NO! You stay away from those!” Man Cub said. Jay-spoon sat next to Tree and I with the monsters in between.

“Hey Bandit! Hey Bandit! Hey Bandit! Hey Bandit! Hey…”

“Shut up Jay-spoon!” I said.

“Hey, look what I can do with my hands!!!” he said laughing the whole time he said it, then clashing his hands together and making them fight. He then collapsed on the floor with maniacal laughter.

“Get him away from the monsters! Just being around them is making him go crazy!!” Tree advised. So we moved him, and he instantly calmed down. “I can’t believe that worked!” said Tree.

We all eventually fell asleep around 3 am. Apparently Tree and Brick King stayed up licking their jawbreakers. Tree said that he fell asleep around four in the morning, dropped his jawbreaker on his face, and woke up startled.

Man Cub had to leave early the next morning, but tried to get a cookie from next to Tree's bed. Tree again woke up startled. “Oh, its you!” he said to Man Cub. “I thought it was Jay-spoon coming to get the monsters!

And the story continues, I don’t know if I should make part 3 or not.

1 comment:

  1. PART THREE PART THREE!!! I WANT PART THREE!!! I can totally see all of this happening
