"Whose turn is it to pick us up?" Tree asked Treasure. Treasure shrugged. "Well, I guess we'll go wait outside." Tree decided. "It's pretty warm out there." They both grabbed their stuff and exited the studio.
After a while I looked out the window and saw that they were still outside and Dakota and Tio had joined them. The fact that they were still out there was unusual since Treasure and Tree's carpool was usually exactly on time. I decided to go out and talk to them. "Hey guys, were you forgotten?" I asked as I went to the only patch of grass outside of the studio where they were currently residing.
"I don't know!" said Tree. "Treasure and I can't remember who's supposed to pick us up!"
"Thats okay," I said "we'll just have to entertain you."
"Hold on!" Dakota interjected. "Treasure, how old are you?"
"Thirteen." Treasure responded, standing in his typical relaxed attention stance with his hands behind his back and standing up straight.
"Tree, how old are you?"
"Fifteen." He said, lounging on top of a rock.
"What??" Dakota said in a confused voice. "How are you two such good friends then?"
"We just are." Tree said, as Treasure shrugged.
"I'm eighteen... I mean, twelve." I said.
Treasure turned to me and raised his eyebrow. Then he looked at my hand, which was currently holding a copy of Cormac McCarthy's The Road. "You're twelve, and yet you're reading Cormac McCarthy?"
"I'm a very advanced twelve year old." I responded. "Thats why I'm a senior in high school."
"I'm eight." said Tio, which is how old Dakota is. "That explains my immaturity."
"Hey!!" Dakota protested.
"I was born yesterday." Tree informed us.
"Wow!" I said in mock-awe, "I could've sworn that I've known you for more than two years!"
"Yeah, thats how well I fit in. You guys all feel like you've known me for a long time."
It was then that Man Cub came out of the studio and saw us all congregated on the patch of grass. "Was somebody forgotten?" he asked, joining us.
"It looks like mine and Treasure's ride forgot us." Tree informed Man Cub.
"Can I borrow somebody's phone?" Treasure asked. I pulled mine out and handed it to him. He opened it, then immediately raised his eyebrow at the screen. The Treasure translation for this one is, "What on earth is your phone background supposed to be?"
"Oh, thats my dog when he went out and played in the snow. He got covered in little snowballs!" I told him.
"I want to see!!" Tree said running up and looking over Treasure's shoulder. He laughed and said, "That doesn't even look like a dog anymore!!"
Treasure then took the phone and walked away from the group so he could call his dad.
Somehow while he was gone, we got into a discussion about different languages and how some things can sound completely wrong in another language. One that Tree said sounded completely inappropriate, but we all laughed anyway.
"We're all going to heck for laughing at that!" I said.
"Hey, It's spanish!" Tree defended. "It means 'getting better'!"
"I had a japanese exchange student once, but the only phrase I knew in Japanese was 'atoshiwa ninja des', which means, I am a ninja. I couldn't even explain to him why I was a ninja!" I said. Everyone laughed. Treasure had now returned.
"Wait, how do you say that?" he asked.
"Ah-toshi-wah" I said
"Atoshiwa..." he repeated.
"Ninja des, awesome! I will have to remember that one!"
"So were you forgotten?" Man Cub asked. Treasure nodded.
"Yeah, I thought so." Tree sighed. "I guess we have at least another fifteen minutes out here.
Treasure handed my phone back.
We then started discussing trips to the dentist. "I remember rejoicing when I found out that I didn't have to get flouride treatments anymore." I said. Everyone looked confused. "You know that weird foamy stuff in the tray?"
"Oh!" exclaimed Tree. "I hate that stuff!!"
"Did you ever notice how the flavors are never good?" Tio asked, "Bubble gum, cherry, banana..."
"I got chocolate flavored once." Treasure said.
"Chocolate? I've never heard of that flavor in flouride!" I said.
"It was weird." he said.
"Well, when you're on laughing gas, chocolate flavored flouride isn't that bad." Man Cub said. "Thats when they gave that kind to me."
"When you're on laughing gas, nothing is that bad." Tree pointed out. We all nodded in agreement.
"I don't even really like being put on the laughing gas." I said.
"What I hate is when they ask you questions when you have a bunch of stuff in your mouth. It's not like you can answer! Then they pretend that they know what you're saying!" Tree Complained.
"I actually asked a dentist about that once. I asked if they did it just for their own entertainment." Man Cub said.
"What did he say?" Treasure asked.
"He said I wasn't the first person to ask that question. Then he didnt' say anything else."
"Sounds like a dentist." Tree pouted. "But they aren't as bad as orthodontists!"
"My orthodontist kept me in braces for four years!!!" Man Cub complained. "I swear he was moving them back and forth! They would be straight, then I would get my braces tightened and they would get all spaced out again!"
"I only had my braces for six months." I said. Treasure pulled out an imaginary gun and shot me.
"I had to get braces TWICE!!" He said.
"I had mine on forever!" Tree said. "Orthodontists are crazy!" We all agreed.
"What time is it?" I asked suddenly.
"Eight." Tio responded.
"Oh shoot! I have to go!" I said.
"Yeah, me too." said Man Cub.
"See you guys! Good luck with getting home!" I said as I walked to my car.
"Maybe we'll get there eventually!" Tree said waving.